Wednesday, July 30, 2008

3 screen strategy paying off?

A recent Nielsen study shows that more people are gravitating towards on-line to watch their favourite TV, shows with another study showing that on-line is no longer about bite size pieces or short-time viewing with most viewers looking watching more long-form and series programs on-line. While the TV experience and TV itself will never go away, it is just reinventing itself with people splitting their TV viewing over more platforms. The most exciting thing abut this study is the specific demo groups that are watching on-line/mobile/TV, with female viewers spending a larger amount of time on-line, and viewers under 24 using on-line in many different ways than just viewing of videos.

Here is a link to a downloadable version ot eh recent study by Nielsen. If you are involved in or interested in digital viewing habits this is a must read study:

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