Monday, October 22, 2007

The next Prom Queen? - Branded Series looks to find its MoJo

MySpace took one of many first big steps today towards becoming a player in the creation and distribution of original content with the media release stating that they will be bringing a new original and branded series to market called "Roommates".

This decision plays well for other media portals, and advertising companies, to work towards devising and implementing business models and strategies that embrace original branded content.

While not every content creator has the opportunity to have their content be financed/branded with help from brands with deep pockets, it does bode well in terms of further gauging the audiences appetite for well-known and recognizable brands throughout short-videos (in this case three mins.)

But will this series be as successful as Prom Queen was in terms of repeat viewings, audience interaction, and viral distribution,well, only time will tell, but the timing on this seems to be pretty good.

Let's just hope that both more large media companies, brands, and advertising agencies get behind more initiatives where it will be easier for independent content creators with brilliant stories that converge over all platforms to have financing more readily available, with the opportunity to maybe one day maybe make a living.

While this is a good step in the right direction many people will be watching to see how well Newscorp. and their MySpace outlet does on this new series, which in many regards could be viewed as a measuring stick for the future success of original content on-line.

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