Friday, September 21, 2007

What to think of ABC's branded video move?

ABC today provided a little more information on their advertising and brand-integration intentions by stating that they will be partnering with AOL by way of a branded media player. What does this move say about a large media company promoting their original content on a partner/strategic platforms site?


With so many people waiting to see what the big media giants do in terms of partnerships, both strategic and experimental, it is positive to see some long overdue initiatives unfold. With ABC choosing AOL as one of their first partners to roll out their branded media player, people like my self, independent producers and consultants, feel it shows that the signs of big things coming are closer than expected.

AOL having just released their Truveo video search engine a few weeks back, and now a branded media player from one of the largest media companies, look posed to become one of the leaders of the pack in terms of taking the big first step of putting their organizational machine behind embracing video online with a free-view model.

I feel that ABC has gotten it right by first choosing a targeted strategic partnership that will be open and provide their users with high quality free video, and second, allow smaller companies a unique look at what might be a catalyst towards a working and sustainable revenue model for viewing content on-line.

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